SAGE Journals
9_Appendix.rjf_online_supp.docx (253.21 kB)

9_Appendix.rjf_online_supp – Supplemental material for The Fold-in, Fold-out Design for DCE Choice Tasks: Application to Burden of Disease

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-05-29, 12:00 authored by Lucas M. A. Goossens, Marcel F. Jonker, Maureen P. M. H. Rutten-van Mölken, Melinde R. S. Boland, Annerika H. M. Slok, Philippe L. Salomé, Onno C. P. van Schayck, Johannes C. C. M. in ‘t Veen, Elly A. Stolk, Bas Donkers

Supplemental material, 9_Appendix.rjf_online_supp for The Fold-in, Fold-out Design for DCE Choice Tasks: Application to Burden of Disease by Lucas M. A. Goossens, Marcel F. Jonker, Maureen P. M. H. Rutten-van Mölken, Melinde R. S. Boland, Annerika H. M. Slok, Philippe L. Salomé, Onno C. P. van Schayck, Johannes C. C. M. in ‘t Veen, Elly A. Stolk and Bas Donkers in Medical Decision Making
