United or Divided in Diversity? Dominik Schraff & Ronja Sczepanski European Union Politics, 2021 ************* ***READ ME*** ************* * Restricted data access to geocoded survey responses The geocoded survey data can not be shared publicly to ensure the anonymity of LISS panel members. All analysis presented in the paper have been conducted on a remote server hosted by Centerdata at Tilburg University (https://www.centerdata.nl/en/liss-panel). You can access the data by purchasing a remote access. You can contact the corresponding author Dominik Schraff (dosc@dps.aau.dk) and/or Marije Oudejans from Centerdata to set up the access. Survey data: L_location_2p_incl_zipcode.sav * Open access to LISS background variables The LISS background variables used in the analysis (avars_201912_EN_1.0p.sav) can be downloaded freely from the LISS data archive at: https://www.dataarchive.lissdata.nl/study_units/view/322 We use the December 2019 version of the background variables. * Accompanying datasets The replication file provides the neighborhood data used in the analyses Neighborhood data: wijkenbuurten2019/buurt_2019_v1.shp / shape 2010 versie3.0/buurt_2010_v3.shp Area household income data: hh_inc_postcode.csv