**Readme file for "Islam, Religious Outlooks, and Support for Democracy", by Sabri Ciftci, F. Michael Wuthrich, and Ammar Shamaileh **Published in Political Research Quarterly. **Replication Components: 1. Arab Democracy Barometer Wave III (2012) The original data can be downloaded from http://www.arabbarometer.org/content/arab-barometer-iii-0. 2. "abIIIcode.do" The STATA do file to be run for variable manipulation. The code should be run on the this wave of the Arab Democracy Barometer. The code creates the variables used in the estimations 3. "LCAandmodels.do" The STATA do file runs the LCA estimation and the models reported in Table 1. This could should be run after running "abIIIcode.do" 4. "classprobabilities.xlsx" The excel file for class probabilities and the data for Figure 2 5. "figures.do", STATA do file to create Figures 2-4 in the manusript. Additional editing in STATA graph editor is necessary. 6. "additionalmodels.do" for running models reported in the supplemental file.