SAGE Journals

Sources of information and the use of mobile applications for health and parenting information during pregnancy: Implications for health promotion

Posted on 2021-09-26 - 00:06

This study aims to examine the characteristics of pregnant women who used and intended to use mobile applications (apps) for health and parenting information. We used data from a randomised controlled trial, Communicating Healthy Beginnings Advice by Telephone (CHAT), conducted in Australia. Telephone surveys were conducted in 2017 to collect information on women’s demographic characteristics, sources of health and parenting information and willingness to use mobile apps. Multiple logistic regression was used to examine the associations of women’s socio-demographic backgrounds, their mobile apps usage and their willingness to use such apps. Data included 1155 pregnant women in their third trimester. Women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and with lower income appeared to have lower uptake of mobile apps despite high ownership of smart devices. Development of evidence-based and culturally-adapted mobile apps represent an important opportunity for healthcare providers to optimise maternal and birth outcomes.


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