SAGE Journals

Selective sharing on social media: Examining the effects of disparate racial impact frames on intentions to retransmit news stories among US college students

Posted on 2019-06-26 - 12:00

Theoretical and empirical evidence suggests disparate racial impact frames may lead to selective sharing on social media and result in differential retransmission rates across racial groups. In this online study, we (1) examined reported exposure to and sharing of content about race on social media among Black, White, and “Other” race/ethnicity college students (N = 150); (2) experimentally tested how exposure to news story previews with control, implicit, or explicit disparate racial impact frames affected subsequent sharing intentions; and (3) explored reasons students provided for their intentions to share/not share the stories. Black students reported more exposure to and sharing of content about race on social media. Few participants cited discrimination in open-ended responses explaining sharing/non-sharing intentions. Nevertheless, despite holding story topic and source constant, disparate racial impact frames resulted in differences in sharing intentions among Black and White students, demonstrating these frames can influence selective sharing intentions.


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