SAGE Journals

Potential prey and conservation implications of the Algerian Nuthatch Sitta ledanti (Vielliard 1976)

Posted on 2023-08-25 - 17:03

The Algerian Nuthatch (Sitta ledanti), which is mentioned on the Red List of threatened species, is one of the first protected birds in Algeria. The species’ populations are distributed with low numbers in Babors’ Kabyliain northeastern Algeria. The diet composition of the species has been studied on a large scale in five large forests. The diet analysis method is based on the identification of the different prey items found in the fecal sacs of the nestlings. We divided the 89 identified prey into 81 insects, 7 arachnids and 1 gastropod, giving 88 arthropods and 1 mollusc. According to both the Cluster Dendrogram and the Costello graph, the Algerian Nuthatch becomes a specialist species while searching for prey to feed its nestlings. This supply of specific prey for nestlings has been observed in both evergreen (Atlas cedar or Algerian fir) and deciduous (Algerian or African oaks) forests. Only the relative abundances (RA) of each prey consumed, prey number per fecal sac, and prey diversity by forest type showed differences. The low proportion of gastropods found in the fecal sacs of Algerian Nuthatch nestlings may explain the low nutritional value of this prey or may also be due to its low abundance. The species’ nestlings consumed a lot of European Earwig (Forficula auricularia) and White spotted rose beetle (Oxythyrea funesta) which could be due to their high energy intake and abundance in the area near the nests. Repeated fires and other anthropogenic activity constitute direct threats to the species’ habitat, and its specialised diet on certain prey weakens the survival of this species with endangered conservation status.


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