SAGE Journals

On powerful exact nonrandomized tests for the Poisson two-sample setting

Posted on 2020-02-01 - 13:09

In the case of two independent samples from Poisson distributions, the natural target parameter for hypothesis testing is the ratio of the two population means. The conditional tests which have been derived for this class of problems already in the 1940s are well known to be optimal in terms of power only when randomized decisions between hypotheses are admitted at the boundary of the respective rejection regions. The major objective of this contribution is to show how the approach used by Boschloo in 1970 for constructing a powerful nonrandomized version of Fisher’s exact test for hypotheses about the odds ratio between two binomial parameters can successfully be adapted for the Poisson case. The resulting procedure, which we propose to term Poisson-Boschloo test, depends on some cutoff for the observed total number of events, the variable upon which conditioning has to be done. We show that for any fixed specific alternative, this cutoff can be chosen in such a way that the resulting nonrandomized test falls short in power of the randomized UMPU test only by a negligible amount. Thus, sample size calculation for the Poisson-Boschloo test can be carried out nearly exactly by means of the same computational procedure as has to be used for the randomized UMPU test. Since the power of the latter is accessible to elementary computational tools, this result makes approximate methods of sample size calculation for the Poisson-Boschloo test dispensable. It is furthermore shown how the construction of a Poisson-Boschloo type test extends to the case that interest is in establishing equivalence in the strict, two-sided sense rather than noninferiority. Although proceeding to two-sided equivalence considerably complicates the construction, comparing the resulting test procedure in terms of power with the exact randomized UMPU test leads essentially to the same conclusions as in the noninferiority case.


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