SAGE Journals

Negation and Verb-initial Order in Old English Main Clauses

Posted on 2020-08-07 - 12:07

This study investigates two Old English (OE) constructions: “negative inversion” (a negated main clause with a clause-initial verb), and “narrative inversion” (a non-negated main clause with a clause-initial verb). The aim is to determine whether the two patterns may be treated as related “constructions” in Construction Grammar terms, and to identify the factors which promote the use of negative inversion in OE prose. The study shows that in both cases there is a strong interaction between syntax and lexicon: the choice between negative inversion and other patterns in negated main clauses as well as the difference between negative and narrative inversion is to a great extent lexically-based. The analysis also points to other variables underlying this variation such as text type and the use of direct speech. The corpus-based analysis provides a solid empirical basis for the claim that negative inversion and narrative inversion represent two separate constructions, functioning independently in the OE system.


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