SAGE Journals

Investigating the Alcohol Effects on the Response to Strenuous Exercise Training: Protocol for a Multidisciplinary Intervention Study in Young Healthy Adults—The BEER-HIIT Study

Posted on 2024-05-29 - 12:07

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a time-efficient strategy to improve fitness and performance. Whereas the multiple and negative effects of high intake of alcohol have been widely studied, the effect of moderate alcohol doses after exercise is not clear, and it is currently under debate. For that, a total of 80 young healthy adults are studied and allocated into 5 groups, each including 16 participants. Four groups follow a HIIT program, while the fifth group is a control non-training group. The training groups will be randomized according to the characteristics of the ingested beverage (alcohol beer, beer 0.0%, sparkling water, or ethanol). The effects of HIIT on several aspects of physical performance and mental health in young healthy adults are evaluated, also the concomitant effect of daily and moderate alcohol consumption. The novelty of this study lies in the continuous measurement of the psychological parameters associated with carrying out a highly demanding training program in conjunction with alcohol consumption in moderate quantities, reflecting real-life conditions.


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