SAGE Journals

Factors Influencing Speech-Language Pathologists’ Application of Terminology for Describing Pediatric Language Assessments

Posted on 2020-05-13 - 12:12

This study investigated speech-language pathologists’ (SLPs) perceptions of factors that influence application of a new taxonomy with terminology for describing child language assessment and identified strategies that may facilitate use of taxonomy terminology to collect data on SLP assessment practice. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 SLPs and data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Three main themes were identified in relation to factors that may influence application including applying the taxonomy is arduous, contextual factors may influence application, and SLP experience and knowledge may influence application. Participants identified a number of strategies to facilitate use of taxonomy by SLPs. Findings from this study give insight into the factors that influence SLPs’ application of a taxonomy of assessment terms. These findings are important for all SLPs in the child language field to consider if the profession is to be effective in establishing greater consistency in use of professional terminology.


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