SAGE Journals

Creating the Conditions for Vocabulary Learning with Wordwall

Posted on 2022-04-14 - 00:07

Developing vocabulary knowledge is key to effective language learning (Webb and Nation, 2017). In the early stages of learning a language, mastering some essential words can help learners engage in basic communication, which can motivate them to continue to study. At advanced stages, having a command of technical and academic words can provide them with access to various domains and discourses. However, learners can struggle to retain new vocabulary—much to the frustration of teachers and the students themselves (Nation, 2021). Webb and Nation (2017) propose that certain conditions are needed for vocabulary learning to occur. These include deliberate attention, repetition, retrieval, noticing, elaboration and use in varied encounters. Teachers must not only organise activities that “maximise the occurrence” of these conditions (Webb and Nation, 2017: 61), but also help students develop vocabulary learning strategies so they can master vocabulary independently.


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