SAGE Journals
sj-docx-1-dst-10.1177_19322968231212205.docx (204.03 kB)

sj-docx-1-dst-10.1177_19322968231212205 – Supplemental material for Integration of a Safety Module to Prevent Rebound Hypoglycemia in Closed-Loop Artificial Pancreas Systems

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-11-16, 01:13 authored by María F. Villa-Tamayo, Patricio Colmegna, Marc D. Breton

Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-dst-10.1177_19322968231212205 for Integration of a Safety Module to Prevent Rebound Hypoglycemia in Closed-Loop Artificial Pancreas Systems by María F. Villa-Tamayo, Patricio Colmegna and Marc D. Breton in Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology


National Institute of Health
