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Supplemental material for Flexible and structured survival model for a simultaneous estimation of non-linear and non-proportional effects and complex interactions between continuous variables: Performance of this multidimensional penalized spline approach in net survival trend analysis

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-06-11, 12:00 authored by Laurent Remontet, Zoé Uhry, Nadine Bossard, Jean Iwaz, Aurélien Belot, Coraline Danieli, Hadrien Charvat, Laurent Roche

Supplemental material for Flexible and structured survival model for a simultaneous estimation of non-linear and non-proportional effects and complex interactions between continuous variables: Performance of this multidimensional penalized spline approach in net survival trend analysis by Laurent Remontet, Zoé Uhry, Nadine Bossard, Jean Iwaz, Aurélien Belot, Coraline Danieli, Hadrien Charvat, Laurent Roche and the CENSUR Working Survival Group in Statistical Methods in Medical Research


Agence Nationale de la Recherche
