SAGE Journals
Author-declaration-template-HUMAN-RESEARCH-AND-IN-VITROSTUDIES.pdf (108.4 kB)

Author-declaration-template-HUMAN-RESEARCH-AND-IN-VITROSTUDIES – Supplemental material for Upregulation of long noncoding RNA SNHG1 indicates a poor prognosis in patients with gastric cancer

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-08-09, 12:06 authored by Hua-Li Zhu, Jing Zou

Supplemental material, Author-declaration-template-HUMAN-RESEARCH-AND-IN-VITROSTUDIES for Upregulation of long noncoding RNA SNHG1 indicates a poor prognosis in patients with gastric cancer by Hua-Li Zhu and Jing Zou in European Journal of Inflammation


General Project of Zhejiang Medical and Health science and Technology Plan (2019KY216).
