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Supplementary_materials_190228.pdf (1.51 MB)

Supplementary_materials_190228 – Supplemental material for EGFR-AS1/HIF2A regulates the expression of FOXP3 to impact the cancer stemness of smoking-related non-small cell lung cancer

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-06-13, 12:00 authored by Haolong Qi, Shanshan Wang, Juekun Wu, Shucai Yang, Steven Gray, Calvin S.H. Ng, Jing Du, Malcolm J. Underwood, Ming-Yue Li, George G Chen

Supplemental material, Supplementary_materials_190228 for EGFR-AS1/HIF2A regulates the expression of FOXP3 to impact the cancer stemness of smoking-related non-small cell lung cancer by Haolong Qi, Shanshan Wang, Juekun Wu, Shucai Yang, Steven Gray, Calvin S.H. Ng, Jing Du, Malcolm J. Underwood, Ming-Yue Li and George G Chen in Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology


Research Grants Council, University Grants Committee
