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Supplemental material for Spectroscopic and Chemometric Comparison of Local River Sands with the Aggregate Component in Mortars from Ancient Roman Buildings Located in the X Regio Between the Livenza and Tagliamento Rivers, Northeast Italy

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-07-04, 12:00 authored by Alessandra De Lorenzi Pezzolo, Michela Colombi, Gian Antonio Mazzocchin

Supplemental Material for Spectroscopic and Chemometric Comparison of Local River Sands with the Aggregate Component in Mortars from Ancient Roman Buildings Located in the X Regio Between the Livenza and Tagliamento Rivers, Northeast Italy by Alessandra De Lorenzi Pezzolo, Michela Colombi and Gian Antonio Mazzocchin in Applied Spectroscopy


University Ca' Foscari Venezia (ADiR funds)
