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Supplemental_Material.pdf (147.56 kB)

Supplemental_Material – Supplemental material for A motivation-based typology of media companies’ cross-border engagement

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-04-28, 12:00 authored by Johanna E Möller, Pamela Nölleke-Przybylski, Denise Voci, M Bjørn von Rimscha, Klaus-Dieter Altmeppen, Matthias Karmasin

Supplemental material, Supplemental_Material for A motivation-based typology of media companies’ cross-border engagement by Johanna E Möller, Pamela Nölleke-Przybylski, Denise Voci, M Bjørn von Rimscha, Klaus-Dieter Altmeppen and Matthias Karmasin in European Journal of Communication


Austrian Science Fund
