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Supplemental Material1 - Supplemental material for Vegetarian or gluten-free diets in patients with inflammatory bowel disease are associated with lower psychological well-being and a different gut microbiota, but no beneficial effects on the course of the disease

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-03-27, 12:00 authored by Philipp Schreiner, Bahtiyar Yilmaz, Jean-Benoît Rossel, Yannick Franc, Benjamin Misselwitz, Michael Scharl, Jonas Zeitz, Pascal Frei, Thomas Greuter, Stephan R Vavricka, Valérie Pittet, Alexander Siebenhüner, Pascal Juillerat, Roland von Känel, Andrew J Macpherson, Gerhard Rogler, Luc Biedermann

Supplemental material, Supplemental Material1 for Vegetarian or gluten-free diets in patients with inflammatory bowel disease are associated with lower psychological well-being and a different gut microbiota, but no beneficial effects on the course of the disease by Philipp Schreiner, Bahtiyar Yilmaz, Jean-Benoît Rossel, Yannick Franc, Benjamin Misselwitz, Michael Scharl, Jonas Zeitz, Pascal Frei, Thomas Greuter, Stephan R Vavricka, Valérie Pittet, Alexander Siebenhüner, Pascal Juillerat, Roland von Känel, Andrew J Macpherson, Gerhard Rogler, Luc Biedermann and on behalf of the Swiss IBD Cohort Study Group in United European Gastroenterology Journal


Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
