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MDM_18_176_R1_Appendix_1__online_supp.doc (73.5 kB)

MDM_18_176_R1_Appendix_1__online_supp – Supplemental material for Manipulating the 5 Dimensions of the EuroQol Instrument: The Effects on Self-Reporting Actual Health and Valuing Hypothetical Health States

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-06-04, 12:00 authored by Aki Tsuchiya, Nick Bansback, Arne Risa Hole, Brendan Mulhern

Supplemental material, MDM_18_176_R1_Appendix_1__online_supp for Manipulating the 5 Dimensions of the EuroQol Instrument: The Effects on Self-Reporting Actual Health and Valuing Hypothetical Health States by Aki Tsuchiya, Nick Bansback, Arne Risa Hole and Brendan Mulhern in Medical Decision Making


EuroQol Research Foundation
