SAGE Journals
JOP_836198_Supplemental_tables.pdf (103.47 kB)

JOP_836198_Supplemental_tables – Supplemental material for Evaluation of simulated driving in comparison to laboratory-based tests to assess the pharmacodynamics of alprazolam and alcohol

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-03-26, 12:00 authored by Coen RH Huizinga, Rob G Zuiker, Marieke L de Kam, Dimitrios Ziagkos, Jorrit Kuipers, Yuri Mejia, Joop MA van Gerven, Adam F Cohen

Supplemental material, JOP_836198_Supplemental_tables for Evaluation of simulated driving in comparison to laboratory-based tests to assess the pharmacodynamics of alprazolam and alcohol by Coen RH Huizinga, Rob G Zuiker, Marieke L de Kam, Dimitrios Ziagkos, Jorrit Kuipers, Yuri Mejia, Joop MA van Gerven and Adam F Cohen in Journal of Psychopharmacology


Foundation Centre for Human Drug Research
