SAGE Journals
JOP780713_Supplementary_Figures.pdf (554.79 kB)

JOP780713_Supplementary_Figures – Supplemental material for High dose psilocybin is associated with positive subjective effects in healthy volunteers

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-06-27, 12:00 authored by Christopher R Nicholas, Kelsey M Henriquez, Michele C Gassman, Karen M Cooper, Daniel Muller, Scott Hetzel, Randall T Brown, Nicholas V Cozzi, Chantelle Thomas, Paul R Hutson

Supplemental material, JOP780713_Supplementary_Figures for High dose psilocybin is associated with positive subjective effects in healthy volunteers by Christopher R Nicholas, Kelsey M Henriquez, Michele C Gassman, Karen M Cooper, Daniel Muller, Scott Hetzel, Randall T Brown, Nicholas V Cozzi, Chantelle Thomas and Paul R Hutson in Journal of Psychopharmacology


Usona Research Institute
