SAGE Journals
JCB912405_Supplemental_Material3.pdf (30.07 kB)

JCB912405 Supplemental Material3 - Supplemental material for Sonic hedgehog is expressed in human brain arteriovenous malformations and induces arteriovenous malformations in vivo

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-03-15, 12:09 authored by Igor Giarretta, Carmelo L Sturiale, Ilaria Gatto, Simone Pacioni, Eleonora Gaetani, Angelo Porfidia, Alfredo Puca, Ivana Palucci, Paolo Tondi, Alessandro Olivi, Roberto Pallini, Roberto Pola

Supplemental material, JCB912405 Supplemental Material3 for Sonic hedgehog is expressed in human brain arteriovenous malformations and induces arteriovenous malformations in vivo by Igor Giarretta, Carmelo L Sturiale, Ilaria Gatto, Simone Pacioni, Eleonora Gaetani, Angelo Porfidia, Alfredo Puca, Ivana Palucci, Paolo Tondi, Alessandro Olivi, Roberto Pallini and Roberto Pola in Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism
