SAGE Journals
AUT874920_Supplemental_material.pdf (90.2 kB)

AUT874920_Supplemental_material – Supplemental material for Neural dynamics of executive function in cognitively able kindergarteners with autism spectrum disorders as predictors of concurrent academic achievement

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-12-04, 13:08 authored by So Hyun Kim, George Buzzell, Susan Faja, Yeo Bi Choi, Hannah R Thomas, Natalie Hiromi Brito, Lauren C Shuffrey, William P Fifer, Frederick D Morrison, Catherine Lord, Nathan Fox

Supplemental material, AUT874920_Supplemental_material for Neural dynamics of executive function in cognitively able kindergarteners with autism spectrum disorders as predictors of concurrent academic achievement by So Hyun Kim, George Buzzell, Susan Faja, Yeo Bi Choi, Hannah R Thomas, Natalie Hiromi Brito, Lauren C Shuffrey, William P Fifer, Frederick D Morrison, Catherine Lord and Nathan Fox in Autism
